Blue, white, snow
Sliding in all its forms
During the winter, our valley allows you to enjoy all types of skiing.
You can discover the family setting of the village resorts, test the large ski areas of the Hautes-Alpes but also (re)discover Nordic skiing or snowshoeing!
The choice is vast!
Don't forget to come and skate at the "Alp Arena" ice stadium, which is located in the heart of the city of Gap and discover hockey - a passion shared by many locals...
Nordic Stadium of Bayard

Nordic Stadium Gap-Bayard Ten minutes from downtown Gap, here you are in Gap-Bayard ... Ideal to start on the snow stage, perfect for training on large loops, the Gap-Bayard site offers cross-country skiing "wide angle" but not only! Enjoy 3 snowshoe trails and a toboggan run and discover the fat bike!
On site, the Oxygenation Center offers many services (equipment rental, courses and ski courses, catering and accommodation). The 50 km of cross-country ski trails (classic and skating) will make you discover this vast tray dominated by the peaks of Gleize and Chaillol!
Gap Bayard Plateau / Oxygenation Center
RN 85 - Bayard Pass - 05000 GAP
Map of the slopes
Opening according to snow conditions - Equipment rental.
Station house
des Guérins - 05130 Sigoyer
04 92 57 83 31
Alpine skiing

1 open lift depending on the snow. Ideal for beginners!
House of the Guérins station - 05130 Sigoyer
+33 (0) 4 92 57 83 31
Many ski resorts are nearby:
Laye, Ancelle, St-Léger les Mélèzes, Chaillol, Orcières 1850, Réallon,Super-Dévoluy - La Joue du Loup….
Want to conquer our snowshoe trails? Here are some practical tips to help you get ready.
Safety advice
- Before leaving, remember to check the weather forecast for the day, weather report available on our website, the time of sunset (it sets early in winter).
- Prepare your itinerary in advance.
- In mid-mountain areas, stay on the paths and trails, follow the markings.
- Beware of snowy river crossings and scree slopes.
- Avoid climbing or crossing a convex slope: snow under tension is less stable.
- We advise you never to go out alone on snowshoes, even if you know the mountain well. In any case, it is recommended to inform someone of your itinerary.
- Although not all of the itineraries presented in this guidebook involve avalanche terrain, the risk of avalanche cannot be completely excluded.
- Equipping yourself with an avalanche transceiver (ARVA) for activities in snowy areas is a useful precaution.
The expert's advice
Stéphane Ricard : "Remember to use your wedges when climbing when the slope is steep, they will allow you to climb more comfortably and above all do not lock the heel, to have the most natural walking movement possible.
We "lock" the snowshoe mainly when storing/transporting or when passing over an obstacle or on certain slopes."
Code de bonne conduite
- Par respect pour la faune et les autres randonneurs, parler à voix basse.
- Marcher en file indienne dans les traces de raquettes existantes.
- En cas de traversée de piste de ski nordique, croiser au plus court perpendiculairement à la piste, enjamber les rails.
- Ne pas marcher sur les jeunes arbres.
L'équipement indispensable
Tenue :
- Un pantalon de randonnée chaud et pour le haut favoriser plusieurs « couches » de vêtements que vous pourrez moduler en fonction de l’effort ou de la situation : tee-shirt respirant, polaire, petite « doudoune » avec ou sans manches et en dernière couche une veste imperméable et respirante.
- Une paire de chaussettes chaudes de type randonnée ou ski, une paire de gants ainsi qu’un bonnet ou un bandeau.
- Très important : choisir des chaussures montantes, chaudes et imperméables pour un bon maintien de la cheville et pour garder les pieds au sec.
Matériel :
- Une paire de raquettes, adaptée à votre pointure et à votre corpulence, en bon état de fonctionnement,
- Une paire de bâtons (télescopique ou non) qui vous aideront aussi bien à la montée qu’à la descente.
Backpack and accessories:
- A backpack to put the clothes that we take off as needed, water and/or a thermos of hot drink, dry fruits or a snack, the IGN map of the area, sun cream, sunglasses, a phone, a survival blanket...
Be an actor of the quality of your practice sites! Suricate allows you to report the problems you encounter when you practice.
Where to go snowshoeing?
Download our free snowshoeing booklet - Consult our booklet of snowshoe hikes online
Paper version on sale for 2 € in our Tourist Offices
Booklet in French.

A word from the champion
"The Gapençais basin is an exceptional playground for outdoor sports. The diversity and richness of the landscape are major assets. People who are passionate about snowshoeing can discover itineraries to hike or run. Each walk can be different because the winter environment is so varied. Bayard, Charance or Céüse are great areas to combine physical effort, convivial family time or discovery of nature. I love this environment and it is on this territory that I developed my passion for endurance sports. I am proud and honored to be its ambassador."
Stéphane Ricard, multiple world champion snowshoe racer
The ice stadium: Alp'Arena
Put on a pair of skates and gloves, and take off on the Alp'Arena's 2400m² of ice. Inside, on the sports track, colorful lights and music are in order. From November to March, enjoy the outdoor ice rink. An ice corridor connects the two spaces to navigate from one to the other.
The Alp'Arena is also to follow a hockey match of the team of the Raptors of Gap, to discover a show of figure skating or to learn about the different evenings organized!
ALP'ARENA - Ice Stadium Brown Ferrand
Boulevard Pierre and Marie Curie - 05000 Gap
04 92 53 26 90
Schedules and Prices

Esprit montagne, Canyoning, escalade, Via ferrata, Alpinisme, ski de randonnée, Cascade de glace.
05000 Gap
Esprit montagne, Canyoning, escalade, Via ferrata, Alpinisme, ski de randonnée, Cascade de glace.
Activities in initiation, development and family.
Canyoning: aquatic activity, fun, natural slides, abseiling. Via Ferrata, climbing ... snowshoeing, glacier hiking, cross-country skiing,...
06 83 80 35 50
06 66 02 89 68
06 82 16 52 86